New Denim Blue, 2022

Brief from Client:

Replace Longtime Leaking Roof of 1930's Villa into Colorsteel New Denim Blue along with replace spouting.

Sub-Contractors: Scafit, Rainaway.

Actual Job:

Have scaffold erected due to risk of falling from heights (Worksafe requirement for roof pitch over 25 degrees), remove old iron, working section by section, replace several lineal metres of rotten timbers caused by long term leaks in internal gutter over hallway, replace fascia on front of house (rotten), install covertek 401 Roofing underlay, install iron. Once all roof faces complete Scaffold removed. Site tidy. Rainaway in to remove existing guttering and replace with Colorsteel Continuous Spouting. Final site check done by JJ Roofing.

Daily contact with client via text as that is the communication that suited them.

New Denim Blue

New Denim Blue Colorsteel re roof by JJ Roofing
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